Sunday, March 7, 2010

im not going to lie even though i really would like to die all of the time, i wont and im not really sure why. i feel like i might never get anywhere or achieve anything or show people love or get love back. i can always feel meaningless or meaningful depending on my mood. i have too much time alone. im completely depressed and completely manic at the same time.

ive been in my room for the whole day its like im afraid to talk to anyone or go anywhere, its fucking ridicilous. i slept though periods of the day and woke up angry flopping around on my bed throwing my pillows and sheets trying to rip them for a few minutes then staring at the ceiling for another few minutes. i get like this, like im trapped when im really not, spinning shit around. letting go of memories and people and then eventually places.

look i just want help or answers here,fuck i already degrade myself so much on here.
i know noone knows but it seems noone is freaking out as bad, or they know what to do, so what do you do?
im not sure what the lessons of my life are, and that might be why i feel so meaningless.
im trying to find meaning a goal, but i just find that my interests are confusing.
Albert Camus believed that all of us ware like Sisyphus. We fill each day with meaningless tasks, only to repeat them the next day – so on and so on, day after day, month after month, year after year. Are we any different from Sisyphus and his boulder? How can this sort of absurd existenc have meaning?

If this is all there is to life, why don't we just kill ourselves? Camus summed up the problem concisely: "There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide."

1 comment:

  1. We're in sync again.
    I'm not sure why I haven't visited.
    Everyone is gone, or I'm gone.
    I had the same day, but with more laughter in-between the pillows and the ceiling.
    I don't think we should laugh so much. Maybe it's fake. The proper laughter is a longer type of laughter, not this short-wave laughter.
    Are you thirsty?
    I liked that post when you spilled your mind by the moment, in-between the gaps.
    I'm not thirsty.
    I had two lighters and I borrowed one of them but never gave it back. Maybe that wasn't a good idea. She needed it more than I did. Anyway, both lighters are dead now. That was months ago; I'm not sure why they're here again.
    It looks like we're even farther behind the start, but that can't be true.
    My neighbor is thirsty.
    I can feel it.
    She's not going to get out of bed, because her oxygen machine is hooked up, and if she gets up she will have to breathe more heavily because the air is thinner up there. But now a plane shakes the room, and she's worried, so she stands and disconnects the oxygen machine. She doesn't need it most of the time; just every two weeks, and only while she's sleeping. She often stops breathing while she's asleep.
    Do you stop breathing while you're asleep?
    And that's why you aren't thirsty.
