Thursday, January 28, 2010

my life is coming full circle

some girl wrote that on her facebook so i looked it up. i mean  iknew what it meant but sometimes i like to look shit up especially when im bored.

but i found all of these ancient chinese sayings about zen and the meaning of life. i liked them your just suppose to live life and never think about living life or the meaning of life. im contradicting myself now but the whole thing is a contradiction and my psychology classes are becoming mind fucks.

my teacher is talking about how reality is just your own take on it and i knew that but he started really talking about it like really and i just got wrapped the fuck in. i was staring probably looking like i was stoned but i felt kind of stoned. but we all have to focus thats what he really stated. focus on one thing and really think about it, not obessessing over it but really fully cover ever part of it and your mind with rewire itself and you will not feel so anixous or overwhelmed. two things that describe me.

its really not bad. staying with what you have to do. i did it with my statistics and i feel better even if it is just faking it because i was thinking about what my teacher said. its such a simple concept but im really liking phemonology, and existenialism lately. 

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