Wednesday, January 6, 2010

waking up sleeping in

when i wake up im really disoriented and dizzy.
i flip around alot in my sleep so im really restless so not enough sleep would do this, even though im sure i sleep maybe i just close my eyes and dont think but im still awake?

this shit is funny.

i like all the ideas i come up with but i dont do them

that shit is funny.


i think i have alot of anger issues i never sorted out

when im really pissed i can feel it in the back of my eyes

and my whole head burns its like a fever and a headache but no pain

and i could fucking bite through anyone but i dont say shit, i just seeth and its hilarious
but it makes me feel im going to really snap one of these days

bottling anger up is probably on of the worst things to do, especially against plans that you make up yourself or people or anything really.

but i dont really have rage i just want to fucking snap people in half, or just watch everything burn, or be flooded just for a second then i would take it back if i could.

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