Monday, December 28, 2009


i read on some website the only way to be truely free is to love yourself and love everyone unconditionally no matter what they say or do.

its really hard because that is true love. because if you look around we set all kinds of conditions onto ourselves and everyone.
saying to ourselves: if i do this i will like my self,she or he should do this for me, i cant believe he or she did that, ect... there are so many expectations

you have to care and see that everything is meaningful, what you do effects everything. you have to live in the present, living in the present is one of the hardest at least for me.

i think that is why we made up the concept of God. to have something to believe in. to believe that someone loves us unconditionally, because once someone does it gives you the motiviation to want to do it also. im not saying hes not real, i just think we had to make it more of a person something we could relate to.

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