Sunday, December 13, 2009

there are some people

that arent bothered if noone likes them.
then there are the others....

im making a club, ive decided
i always wanted to make an organization but im not very organized so it would probably fail
i also always say things im going to do and then never do them


people who say noone likes them usually have alot of people who like them but they dont try.

thoughts keep looping thoughts keep looping thoughts keep looping thoughts keep looping
and i have the fucking battle with my mind all FUCKING DAY AND I WANT IT TO STOP AND JUST WHEN I CANT TAKE THE SHIT ANYMORE i find a ritual. ocd? am i obsessive? am i in love with beating myself up? is this why noone likes me? they cant take my questions? am i obsessive? is it bad to be so hard on yourself? noone likes me? how much do i annoy them with my thoughts?


welcome to the fucking organization i madeee!!!! we all fucking hate you and love you and ill be euthatistic and tell you your clothes look nice. and ill wear my hair all crazy but not dye it orange or blue so i dont go too much into character.

wheres my MEDICINE!!!! give it to meeeeeeeeeeeee
they all know im living in my head, you got to call the ambulance im dying! i just want to ride in an ambulance, i just want someone to tell me im ok who is professional, they know what to look for. they are nice. they talk to you. they dont really believe you, they think your just another fucked up kid but they pretend to be your best friend, call you sweetie. you have friends!
your not alone again talking to your mom at work in your doorway freaking out, telling her about an invisble person choking you.

one day ill going to turn it all around, it doesnt happen this way. noone would live this long if it did.

i just need techniques, trick my coniousness,WHO IS A FUCKING BITCH, into thinking nice things
i dont remeber how i did it before. maybe getting really fed up with everything? get angry? should i get some anger issues? i never went down that route before, where i just fuck everything up by tearing it apart.


  1. Okay.

    You're the cult leader.

    Time to step it up.

  2. How will you start the organization?

    Or does it not matter how it starts?

  3. i dont tihnk it matters how it starts
    oh and i tried looking at that blog it doesnt work

  4. Oh, I know. It belongs to you.
    I sent an invitation to you by email so you can start leading us.

  5. I told Henry we were plotting to rape him around the new year, and I showed him a picture of you and a picture of Juliet. Juliet is the first picture, and you're the second.

    Henry: "they're kind of scary."

    Kenny: "Haha... why? They look like rapist types?"

    Henry: "first girl, yeah. second girl looks like she'd get raped."

    Kenny: "holy shit."

    Henry: "she's the kind of girl rapists always want to rape."

    Kenny: "You're good... really good"

    Henry: "hi

    i just realized i didn't say hi this whole time"

    Kenny: "I love doing that. thank you for your hi because i cherish"

  6. You both do.
    Probably by the same being.
