Sunday, December 6, 2009


it felt good to be home
and not on a train for 9 hours

i think my brain exploded and imploded all at the same time
school tommorrow

im really interested though in how things are working
backwards almost. for everyone
if anyone understands what im talking about just say so

im so tired so im just going to talk about nothing
things feel so fake like i just made them all up and they do what i tell them to do or not to do
or that there is a million things i know but i wont let myself know or say out loud because i think it will all go away in an instant
just grab onto the ground because i feel like im being ripped away constantly
like i know im going to blink and nothing will be there and i knew it and its not shocking  like everything is telling me to think

working backwards or knowing something or seeing something or smelling something from the past is just confusing its the ultimate plan to fuck us to make us never figure anything out 

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