Saturday, December 26, 2009

the only drugs

i feel comfortable doing are downers and usually from my own supply.
last year at this very time, i was trying to do every single drug i could possibly find.
anything that anyone gave me i would do.
the first person i ever did a different drug other than weed with was mallory
i wokred with her for some time until we finally decided to talk, and then we decided to hang out.
i remember the first few conversations we had,

what book are you reading-me
oh its about eating disorders-mallory

the next few days
so where do you go to school?-mallory
duquesne, you?
i go to pitt, but slyvia told me you used to go to capa
yea i did
i used to go there until they took me away in handcuffs out the front door

slowly i learned more and more about her life and i was captivated. she lived the craziest life of a 20 year old of a person i actually knew and didnt just read in some book. she had been to jail, she had been homeless, and she had basically lived the life of someone twice her age.

the whole summer before mallory began working at the library i read about thirty books in three months. most were about drugs, people doing them, life and death.
all things i was obsessed with last year.

so i went to my first rave with her and took ecstacy, and riddlin for the first time.
the second ecstacy and weed
the third i went with juliet and introduced her to raves and ecstacy

by this time i had tried other things, i was on klonopin for aniexty, tried shrooms, coke, and other various pills.

but i can say honestly it was one of the more exciting years of my life.
i saw a comletely different underground culture that i didnt know existed such as ravers.
so it was definity interesting, i dont know if ill ever do it exactly like that again, but who knows.

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