Friday, October 16, 2009


i wonder if i am doing something right or if i am doing something wrong and it will all come crashing down and im making myself believe something just because i want to be excited about something.

who knows? i knows

everyone says listen to what yourself is telling yourself well what if you really dont know. then who really knows?


  1. Hahah... I knew "Black Taco" would appear here soon.

    We have to do something to change this. All of it. We have to figure out the next piece and misplace something before that piece can come into play.
    The worst thing you can do is prolong it by moving -what must happen now- forward. That changes things in a very different way.

    We really need to do something, though. What is it? Unsure - keep trying.
    I tried performing a toxics release burning as an offering to the sky tonight as a last resort, and it didn't work. That was it... the fire went out and NOTHING changed. WE ARE FUCKED, LISA WELTZ. I'm freaking out constantly. Honestly, I think it will come crashing down. Please don't just stand there when it does. Intention is key, but intention is scary. hi
