Wednesday, October 28, 2009


watched a video in my criminology class where they made people be prisoners or prison guards
and then the experimient actually kind of became real. after two days people started really thinking they were trapped or that they had power.

i dunno what else to say.

but i can kind of relate to it
i take on the role of another person when i want to fit in

i let all of their problems become my own because i want to understand them

and its kind of strange
why cant i just be my own person
am i scared of what people will think of the real me
is this why i am alone
i am stuck in this horrible line between reality and delusion,
i think all of these things and then i try to separate them from my real life
and noone likes me
why why why why why
what do i do wrong what the fuck do people want from me
am i that big of a standoffish bitch that noone thinks im nice
why does everyone like everyone else
do they participate better
have more passion, or sex, more attractive,or a better personailty
or what
just let me have one
i dont understand why im still a fucking freak

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