Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I havent made anyones life better by being here have i?

when you stop caring it all happens

i have to stop caring
i need busy work
give me lots and lots of shit to do and ill be in my own world in no time

what the hell appeals to me?
questions from my mom:
what do you do in your room all night
why dont you eat
why do you sleep so much
why dont you talk to your friends
why arent you doing anything

why? because i cant stand anything.
the farther away i am the better, the more i dont see of everything the more i cant miss it
if i just stay in my little fucking bubble that i always create then nothing happens
anytime i just to make an attempt at something happening well it doesnt.

so everyone step the fuck back and just be bystanders and have the bystander effect
oh someone else will call the police someone closer to her will help

so im not ready for anything? are you fucking kidding me, who is? i hate everyones stupid explainations for everything. no its because i have no luck,or im ugly or im crazy or everything else its because im me. and i cant stand myself. im a stupid dumb fucking piece of shit, and everyone knows it just noone will tell me.

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