Thursday, November 5, 2009


ok so thats how your suppose to live haha

so last night i was bored at work and read a bunch of sites on self improvement.
it said to treat yourself how you treat others.
i treat others better than myself, so i started thinking positively about myself and rewarding myself for all the good things i have done so far even if they are small. if you make a mistake dont think about it so much and call yourself stupid. i have alot of self hate and its unforutate but i was kind of trained to in a way.

so its not about tihnking positive becuase its hard to think positive all the time
its about elimating bad thoughts about yourself when you catch them
and when you have a million racing thoughts and your mind is starting to shut down you have to pull yourself out of it. for some reason i was doing the opposite its not that i didnt know this before. because everyone knows how to love themselves, its just that you really have to face it and be like im going to do this. ive done it before. i used to be exactly like this in the eighth grade but when i got to ninth grade i was way more outgoing and didnt give a fuck what anyone thought about me. then it happened again in the tenth grade, but its just goes to show you always have to be working on yourself. if you dont then its going to come back. and its not just low confidence this can be with any trait that you hate about yourself.

trying to force something to happen inst going to work it all has to be natural also. so just take everything slow. and dont let it totally overwhelm you.

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