Saturday, November 28, 2009

i was distracted

i needed a break from spilling some of myself out onto the internet
but i realized i broke a habit and it made me feel better

i have alot of habits like liking opiates too much
or not doing what i should be doing
or sleeping at the wrong time

its all questionable and makes me feel like i live mulitple lives at once
its fucks with me

i seen a bunch of people from duquesne yesterday like my teacher and this other kid
and i like duquesne outside of duquesne

i have to pick a mentor because im now a psychology major but i dont want to meet someone that doesnt want to meet me.

i go crazy every hour, and rock back and forth mentally and then i come back and then somethng forcefully pushes me back. i must be bi polar my learning tells me that but no its much more.
its much farther.

i was also very anti social when i was a kid.
this girl i used to be friedns with tried to be friend me on the first day of pre school i dont remeber this but she told me this when i was about 16.
she said she came up to me and i was playing with a puzzle and she asked me if i wanted to go play house or soemthing and i didnt say anyhting i just turned around
she went up to another boy who was also an only child and he did the same thing
who my mom forcefully mad eme be friedns with later

im writing more later i have to go to something now

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