Monday, November 2, 2009


i am in love with my friends.

take juliet barbati for example haha.

she just says all that im thinking and thats all that i ask for.
she wants so much from people but i think she already knows me and has seen things the exact way i have before soo...

i dunno.

i dont know where im really going with this but i already want to go home and i just got to school.
i hate this place, and all the things i have to do to complete it.

i think im going to just finish it out and do nothing with my degree because psychology is very interesting dont get me wrong,but i doubt its something i could actually do for most of my life.

all the people in my major are retarded girls.

and im not sure if i am stable enough to tell people that they are mentally ill when i am too.

im just going to go back to art for now. its not something im amazing at but its something i always go back too, because there is so many forms of it.
you can learn art, or you can have a talent for it.
you can be art,wear art,eat art anything really with it. how could you not like it?

i love it it just shows different peoples views of the same thing. if you ever wonder what its like to be in someone elses brain then you know. i really wish i could come out of my own for a day just to not exist for a bit.


  1. I love Lisa Weltz forever.

    Are you going to art school for real?

  2. no im not i meant im just going to make more art lol

  3. We've been waiting for this day.

    I'll probably end up following your path, and end up reacting the same way.
